Providing Defense Against Your Drug Possession Charge
A drug possession charge often begins with it something as simple as a burned-out tail light on your car or truck. A routine traffic stop can escalate into a felony drug possession charge and your “fix-it ticket” headache can quickly turn into a major nightmare.
You want to wake up from the nightmare.
That’s what we do. We stop the nightmares. At DeRoberts Law Firm, we help individuals who have been charged with drug possession avoid jail time and the other consequences of a misdemeanor or felony drug crime conviction. Since 1993, attorney Jeffrey DeRoberts has helped individuals fight charges of drug possession, including:
- Powder or crack cocaine
- Methamphetamine or crystal meth
- Marijuana
- Prescription drugs, such as OxyContin
- Heroin
- Hashish
We have also defended those charged with the possession of illegal drug paraphernalia, such as pipes or scales.
Free Initial Consultation ∙ Call Our Drug Charges Defense Attorney Day or Night: 315-479-6445
New York Drug Charges Defense Lawyer
The level of drug crime you are charged with will depend upon the facts of your case and also on your previous record. Although our past success is not an indication of future performance, we can say that we have helped a great many individuals fight their drug charges.
Our law firm will first comb through the entire chain of evidence, search and seizure process and arrest reports. We’ll look for witnesses to back up your story and carefully examine the testimony of any prosecution witnesses. We’ll take full advantage of the rules of the court and seek to have evidence thrown out when that is in your best interest.
For individuals charged with their first offense, we will explore the options of drug treatment programs and other preemptive moves. For multiple offenders, we will attack the evidence more aggressively. In either case, we are confident that we can mount a strong defense against your drug possession charge. Call 315-479-6445, or send an email for a free initial consultation.